Rajesh Pattanayak

Rajesh Pattanayak

I am a consultant Anaesthetist with 25 years experience in anaesthesia. I have special interest in Ultrasound guided Regional anaesthesia.

Spoken Languages : English, Hindi, Odiya
Types of Physician : Full-time
DHA License : Consultant Anesthesiologist
Branches : American Hospital Dubai


  • MBBS, Utkal University, India
  • MD Anaesthesiology, Sambalpur University, India
  • FRCA, The Royal College of Anaesthetists, United Kingdom

Professional Associations:

  • Dubai Heath Authority
  • Royal College of Anaesthetist
  • General Medical Council

Professional Experience:

  • Consultant Anaesthetist, Sussex Orthopaedics NHS Treatment Centre, United Kindgom
  • Senior Consultant in Anaesthesia & Intensive care, Apollo Hospital, India
  • Locum Consultant Anaesthetist, William Harvey Hospital, United Kingdom

Clinical Expertise & Services Offered:

  • General Anaesthesia
  • Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia
  • Pediatric Anaesthesia