

Adenoids are the lymph nodes located in the throat behind the nose. These are the part of the lymphatic system which helps the immune system to defend from infections and other illnesses. Adenoids are the 'first line of defense,' protecting the body from infections along with tonsils. When adenoids get infected, they can lead to other health conditions, such as:

• Middle ear infection: Eustachian tubes connect the middle ear to the throat, and adenoids are present on their right hand side. So, infection in adenoids can also spread to the ear and may cause a middle ear infection. If left treated, this infection can lead to devastating consequences e.g. hearing loss.
• Glue ear: When the adenoids are enlarged or inflamed, they clog the Eustachian tubes and prevent normal mucous from draining out of the middle ear. This build-up of sticky mucus inside the ear affects hearing, and can also cause nasal blockage, mouth breathing, obstructive sleep, and other conditions.
• Sinusitis: Infection can also spread to the air-filled cavities of the skull and facial bones.
• Chest infection: It can also cause chest infection by affecting bronchi (Bronchitis) or lungs (Pneumonia)
• Vomiting: Children with inflamed adenoids may consume a large amount of pus while sleeping. This leads to thick vomiting.

Symptoms of Infected Adenoids:

Infections are common in adenoids because they are always in the path of germs (microorganisms). Adenoids that are infected expand, reducing airflow through the nose. Infected adenoids can cause the following symptoms:

• Taking breaths through the mouth
• Snoring while sleeping
• Speaking with a blocked nose
• Hard to distinguish certain consonants, such as 'm' and 'n.'
• Dry and painful throat from breathing through the mouth (usually in the morning after sleeping with the mouth open)
• Green or yellow nasal discharge

Diagnosis of Infected Adenoids:

To evaluate symptoms for enlarged adenoids, your doctor may use a device to measure the size of your adenoids, which consists of:

• A unique mirror to take a view of the mouth.
• A light-emitting tube that is long and flexible (an endoscope)
• An x-ray image

For the diagnosis of infected adenoids, your doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic testing:

• Endoscopy
• Computed Tomography (CT) scans
• Magnetic Imaging Resonance (MRI)

Treatment of Infected Adenoids:

There are several factors that determine the treatment for patients with inflamed adenoids. These factors can include: the patient’s age and overall health, the severity of symptoms, and the underlying cause. When oral medications fail to improve the symptoms, your physician can recommend surgery to treat infected adenoids and prevent from further complications.

• Antibiotics: If a bacterial infection causes enlarged adenoids then antibiotics are prescribed as the first line of treatment. Antibiotics are also used to treat other related bacterial illnesses such as sinusitis and ear infections.
• Adenoidectomy (Adenoids Surgery): When the adenoids become large enough to cause additional health problems, surgery for their removal becomes necessary. Generally, it causes no side effects when performed in children.

Schedule an Appointment:

At American Hospital Dubai, we provide experienced ENT experts backed by advanced technology to treat a full spectrum of ENT disorders and illnesses. The main focus of our every treatment is to provide immediate relief from the pain and manage symptoms to prevent any further complications. If you or your loved one have adenoid problems, book your consultation with our ENT Consultants using our secure booking form online.