Neurological Condition

Neurological Condition

Any abnormality in cognitive functions can indicate a neurological problem, interrupting the normal functioning of a brain and spinal cord. Neurology Specialists at American Hospital follow a holistic approach to identify underlying causes, develop treatment plans, and provide counselling services to ensure that the patient receives optimal care at every step of their journey towards recovery.

About Neurological Conditions:

The brain is an integral part of the body that controls functions of all body parts. Any damage to the brain or any part of it, or spinal cord can develop various neurological conditions. These disorders affect the nerves and neurons throughout the body and can lead to severe and permanent consequences, such as paralysis and disabilities. Further to physical trauma, neurological disorders may also be caused by genetic abnormalities. All these disorders affect the normal functioning of a body. Here’s a list of neurological conditions treated at American Hospital Dubai on regular basis:

Post Stroke

A neurological condition developed after any sort of stroke (such as physical trauma or injury to the brain). In a post-stroke condition, the blood supply to the brain or a part of the brain is interrupted. Consequently, the neuron cells are deprived of blood supply and oxygen that can eventually become a cause of death. This condition can also lead to:

• Bleeding
• Paralysis
• Impaired communication (Aphasia)
• Emotional disturbance
• Thinking and memory abnormality

Brain injury

An Intense blow on the head can lead to brain injury. The thrust can cause the skull to break, and the shattering pieces of the skull can cause bruises on the brain and cause wear and tear of the brain tissues. This injury has temporary effects on the brain, primarily psychological effects. Patients with brain injuries often experience:

• Fatigue
• Dizziness
• Nausea
• Mood swings

Brain injuries can also cause cognitive disorders, such as:

• Disorientation
• Memory loss
• Sleeping disorder
• Blurred vision

Brain injury has a broad range of effects on the patient’s functioning and mobility, depending upon the severity of the damage. Sometimes the symptoms may appear on the spot and can cause death. In other cases, it appears days or weeks later.

Spinal cord injury

The spinal cord is a part of the brain present at the back of the head. It continues to the neck and into the backbone (vertebral column). An injury to the spinal cord may cause tearing of nerves and neurons, which results in permanent disabilities. This trauma to the spinal cord can cause paralysis. The level of damage to the injury determines the severity of the disability. Sometimes, the trunk, arms, pelvic organs, and hands are paralyzed (Tetraplegia), or if the damage is severe, all the parts of the trunk, pelvic organs, and legs are paralyzed (Tetraplegia).

Parkinson's disease

It is a brain disorder that occurs mainly in old age. The patients experience shaking, loss of balance and coordination while walking, talking, and writing. The disease worsens gradually as the patient’s age progresses. This condition occurs due to the death of brain cells that control movement. The death of nerve cells occurs when the brain stops producing an essential hormone named Dopamine.

Multiple Sclerosis

This is a brain disorder in which the patient experiences uncontrolled motor function like inability to walk or control hand, affected memory and thinking. This neurological condition occurs when the brain cannot communicate appropriately with the body due to damaged myelinated sheaths (parts of the neuron). This damage is caused mistakenly by the body’s immune function. This disorder is primarily genetic and environmental, and it affects people between the ages of 40 - 50.


It is a group of diseases that lead to abnormalities in muscle and muscle fiber. It affects the patient’s movement due to stiffness in muscles, muscle cramps, or muscle spasms. These neuromuscular disorders are caused due to genetic malfunctioning.

Bell’s palsy

It is a sudden paralysis of the facial muscles due to damage of the facial nerve (7th cranial nerve). The condition worsens within 48 hours. The patient experiences pain on the side of the head or face that is affected. It is not a permanent condition, but it may take time to recover, often two weeks to six months.

Treatment for Neurological Conditions at American Hospital Dubai:

Our team of experienced neurologists, neurosurgeons, and support staff provide treatment for almost a full spectrum of neurological conditions by using state-of-the-art diagnostic testing technologies and treatment methods. Depending upon the severity of a neurological disorder, patient’s age and overall health and in consultation with experts from other departments, our brain disorder specialists devise personalized treatment plans, which can include:

• Medication
• Lifestyle changes
• Pain management services
• Physiotherapy
• Cognitive therapy treatment (including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - CBT)

Book an Appointment:

For diagnosis and treatment of a neurological problem, or second opinion, please connect with our neurology consultants at American Hospital Dubai by using our secure online booking form, and experience an expert and compassionate care towards every step of your journey towards recovery.


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