

Uveitis may prove to be a visually fatal condition if left undiagnosed and untreated. Discover how our expert ophthalmologists at American Hospital are helping patients by providing excellent ophthalmological care.

Eyes are the most sensitive part of the human anatomy and any form of trauma to it can be a cause for extreme discomfort and pain, especially if the condition worsens with time. One such eye ailment that has the chance of increased complication is Uveitis. This condition occurs in patients when their eye experiences inflammation due infection, injury, or an inflammatory disease, affecting the layer of tissue located in the middle of the eye wall.

Uveitis can be of multiple types depending on which part of the inflammation occurs including anterior uveitis, intermediate uveitis, posterior uveitis and panuveitis. If you happen to experience any pain or discomfort, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible so that the condition does not persist and is treated as soon as possible.

Symptom and Causes of Uveitis:

If a patient is diagnosed with Uveitis, they may be experiencing the following symptoms:

• Blurred vision
• Seeing floaters
• Light sensitivity
• Redness
• Watery eyes
• Seeing flashes in the eye
• Impaired night vision

Often there is no one specific cause for Uveitis and the condition may be due to an autoimmune disease that can affect the eyes. However, if a reason besides this is determined, it may be the following:

• Infection
• Side effect of medication
• Trauma to the eye
• Eye surgery
• Cancer such as lymphoma

It is important for patients to consider the long term effect that Uveitis can cause if left untreated for a long period of time. Some of the complications that may occur are retinal scarring, cataracts, retinal detachments, glaucoma and permanent loss of vision.

Treatments for Uveitis:

If Uveitis is suspected in a patient, your ophthalmologist will recommend a series of eye exams to determine the likelihood of the condition. The eye examinations will often consist of:

• Tonometry
• Assessment of vision
• Ophthalmoscopy
• Slit-lamp exam
• Color photography
• Blood tests
• Imaging tests

In the case that the Uveitis has occurred due to an underlying health condition, your doctor will advise for treatment to be focused on that. The main objective of the treatment would be to reduce the inflammation in the eyes and the patient may be prescribed medications that reduce it. The treatment period for Uveitis can take months depending on the type of Uveitis that you are experiencing. If Uveitis occurs in the back of the eye, that may take longer to heal, and healing time also depends on the severity of the inflammation.

If topical medication does not resolve the condition, more immune-modulating oral medications or eye injections can be used to treat resistant and persistent Uveitis sometimes due to other immune diseases. Your eye specialist may recommend vitrectomy or a medication-releasing implant if the retinal uveitis becomes difficult to treat.

Book an Appointment:

If you would like to come in for a consultation with any of our board-certified ophthalmologists, you can book an appointment through the booking form given on our website. At American Hospital, our eye specialists take special consideration for your medical needs andare experienced in diagnosing as well as treating a wide spectrum of eye disorders. American Hospital also houses state-of-the-art technology that is used to provide patients with excellent ophthalmological care. If you would like to choose American Hospital as your primary medical facility, we can guarantee that you will be provided with the best healthcare services available in Dubai.

Doctors Panel of Uveitis

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