Skin Allergies Treatment

Skin Allergies Treatment

Millions worldwide are victims of skin allergies also known as hypersensitivity reactions, which cause discomfort and sometimes even serious health risks. At American Hospital Dubai, we have a team of experienced dermatologists who offer a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan for different types of skin allergies to identify triggers accurately and provide lasting relief methods based on personalization.

About Skin Allergies:

Skin allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to certain substances encountered by the skin, triggering inflammatory responses. They can take various forms such as rashes, hives, swelling, redness, itching, or blistering. Other skin allergies may be temporary but some can become chronic requiring continued management.

Causes and Symptoms of Skin Allergies:

Skin allergy causes include:

  • Contact allergens: Substances directly touching the skin, such as cosmetics, jewelry, plants (poison ivy), chemicals, and latex.
  • Food allergens: Ingested substances like peanuts, shellfish, soy, or dairy products.
  • Inhalant allergens: Airborne particles like dust mites, pollen, or pet dander.
  • Plants: Poison ivy/oak/sumac
  • Cosmetics: Hair dyes/nail polish/makeup
  • Skin allergies medicine: Certain skin allergies medication can cause skin rash allergic reaction.

Symptoms of skin allergies vary depending on the cause and individual sensitivities. Common signs include:

The allergic contact dermatitis symptoms depend on various factors, including its location on the body. These reactions can manifest as one or several of the following:

  • Redness:Skin appears reddened or inflamed.
  • Itching:Intense itching, sometimes leading to scratching and potential infections.
  • Eczema:Dry, itchy patches of skin, often affecting hands, elbows, and knees.
  • Blisters:Dry, itchy patches of skin, often affecting hands, elbows, and knees.
  • Swelling: Localized puffiness around the affected area.

Treatments for Skin Allergies:

Skin allergies can be managed through various treatments, including:

Avoidance of Allergens: Take note of what might be causing your skin allergies and try to avoid them. This can involve using hypoallergenic soaps and detergents as well as considering allergen-proof pillowcases and mattress covers.

Topical Corticosteroids: Your doctor can prescribe creams that contain corticosteroids to help reduce inflammation and stop itching. It is important to follow their instructions about how often these creams should be used or how long they should be used for.

Antihistamines:For itching relief and lessening allergic reactions, you can consider buying antihistamines from either over-the-counter or prescription drugs. If necessary during daytime hours because some people get drowsy while taking antihistamines choose non-sedating ones.

Calamine Lotion: The application of calamine lotion directly onto affected parts helps minimize itchiness thereby soothing irritated skin.

Cold Compress: Applying cold compresses or ice packs on swollen areas helps in reducing inflammation as well as easing itchy feeling.

Topical Corticosteroids:

Your doctor can prescribe creams that contain corticosteroids to help reduce inflammation and stop itching. It is important to follow their instructions about how often these creams should be used or how long they should be used for.


For itching relief and lessening allergic reactions, you can consider buying antihistamines from either over-the-counter or prescription drugs. If necessary during daytime hours because some people get drowsy while taking antihistamines choose non-sedating ones.


Use hypoallergenic moisturizers regularly on dry itchy irritated skin for a soothing effect. For products without fragrances, dyes, and other potential allergens look out.

Calamine Lotion:

The application of calamine lotion directly onto affected parts helps minimize itchiness thereby soothing irritated skin.

Cold Compress:

Applying cold compresses or ice packs on swollen areas helps in reducing inflammation as well as easing itchy feeling.

Topical Immunomodulators:

In case of certain allergic skin conditions, your medical practitioner may suggest some creams containing calcineurin inhibitors like tacrolimus or pimecrolimus.

Phototherapy (Light Therapy):

Controlled exposure to ultraviolet light especially under medical supervision can sometimes be useful in managing skin allergies.

Allergen Immunotherapy (Desensitization):

For certain skin allergies causes, allergen immunotherapy might be recommended by your physician. This is where you get exposed to more amounts of allergen gradually until you develop tolerance for it.

Note: The treatments mentioned here are provided for informational purposes only. It is strongly advised to consult with a dermatologist or skin specialist before using any medication mentioned, as they can provide personalized recommendations based on your individual medical history and needs.

Why Choose American Hospital Dubai for Your Skin Allergy?

  • Our world-class facility features a serene environment tailored just for you. From compassionate caregivers to cutting-edge technology, every step along the way ensures comfort and convenience.
  • We do not want to fix things fast. We provide continuous support, education, and direction on how to effectively manage your allergy attacks as well as confidently handle any future relapses if they occur.
  • • Our dermatologists are internationally resented experts who continuously research and employ new developments in diagnosing and treating allergy conditions.
  • Our multidisciplinary team works together efficiently so that we relieve physical symptoms but take care of emotional well-being thus embracing holistic healing approaches.

Schedule an Appointment:

If require an appointment with our dermatologists who specialize in allergies at American Hospital Dubai, please call at +971 4344 0000 to discuss your concerns and receive personalized treatment of allergic skin rash options.

These include allergies to particular foodstuffs, plants, pets, or skincare ingredients.

For cases that aren’t severe, cold compresses may help, moisturizers that don't cause any allergic reactions could also be used and one should avoid allergens he or she knows of.

Topical corticosteroids and antihistamines are usually prescribed to relieve symptoms of a rash brought on by an allergic reaction. The choice of treatment will depend on how bad it is as determined by your doctor.

There are over-the-counter and prescription antihistamines available for managing welts resulting from allergic responses. More so, in critical cases, oral corticosteroids are also another option for skin allergy hives treatment.

Immunotherapy using extracts of allergens can be used if other methods do not work well enough. Allergy shots gradually increase exposure to the substance so that one builds immunity against it.

Many measures like topical steroids would reduce inflammation while some drugs are more specific depending on whatever exactly causes a certain type of dermal anaphylaxis under consideration.

Controlled ultraviolet light therapy supervised by a doctor can help manage some allergic skin disorders. Phototherapy is therefore recommended to you after discussing the extent to which it is applicable with your medical practitioner.