Patient & Visitors Guide


1- The patient has the right to considerate and respectful care without discrimination at all times by competent personnel. The patient has the right to privacy during examinations, assessments, procedures and treatment.
2- The patient has the right to obtain from the physician, sufficient information concerning diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, changes in his/her condition and the causes of such changes, in terms the patient can be reasonably expected to understand.
3- The patient has the right to know, by name, the physician responsible for authorizing and performing procedures or treatment.
4- The patient has the right to receive information from the physician that is necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of a medical procedure and/or treatment. Information for informed consent should include a description of the specific procedure and/or treatment, risks involved, alternatives, the expectations for a successful outcome, & the probable duration of incapacitation.
5- The patient has the right to full disclosure of health services cost and information related to all services provided by the American Hospital Dubai (AHD) prior to treatment.
6- The patient has the right to request and receive an itemized bill explaining all of the costs and charges regardless of the source of payment.
7- The patient has the right to know what hospital rules & regulations apply to patient responsibilities.
8- The administration of the AHD, the medical staff and all other members of staff are committed to treating and acting on patient concerns and complaints in a fair manner. Complaints and suggestions on services can be submitted through the availability/designated channels.
9- The patient has the right to have all records pertaining to the medical care treated as confidential except as otherwise required by law or upon the patient’s written authorization.
10- The patient has the right to obtain a medical report and a copy of the medical test results from the Medical Records Department upon request and written authorization by the patient.
11- The patient has the right to assistance in obtaining consultation or second opinion with another physician at the patient’s own request and expense.
12- The patient has the right to appropriate assessment and management of pain. The patient’s right to pain management is respected and supported. Your physician and nurse will assess your pain and involve you in decisions about pain relief measures to minimize your pain.
13- The patient has the right to refuse treatment for any or all of the care offered. When refusal of treatment prevents the provisions of appropriate care in accordance with ethical and professional standards, the potential consequences are explained to the patient and the relationship with the patient may be terminated.
14- The patient has the right to refuse examination or follow-up of their treatment details by any person not directly responsible for their care. Persons who are not directly involved in the patient’s treatment will obtain permission to attend the case discussion, examination and/or treatment.
15- The patient & his/her family has the right to participate in the care decision making & the right to have an interpreter (upon request and availability) if the language presents a barrier to understanding.
16- The patient has a right to receive immediate care in emergency cases.
17- The patient has the right to have a person of one’s own gender present during certain parts of a physical examination, treatment or procedure performed by a health professional of the opposite gender and the right not to remain disrobed any longer than is required for accomplishing the medical purpose for which disrobing was needed.
18- The patient has the right to refuse to participate in medical training programs.
19- The AHD is committed to provide terminally ill and end stage patients with decent and compassionate care respecting their unique needs, according to the Local Law and Regulations.


1- The patient is anticipated to follow the treatment plan recommended by the physician responsible for their care.
2- The patient is responsible for the consequences if they refuse treatment or do not follow the physician’s instructions.
3- The Patient is expected to ensure that the financial obligations for their healthcare are met.
4- The Patient is expected to follow hospital regulations, policies & requirements affecting their care & conduct.
5- The Patient should be considerate of the rights, privacy & comfort of other patients and hospital personnel and property. They are asked to assist in control of noise and limit the number of visitors to no more than two at any time. In special circumstances, visitations may be inadvisable on a temporary basis.
6- The patient is expected to provide complete & accurate information about past & present illnesses, hospitalization, medication, allergies & other matters (including providing medical reports) relating to their health history that need to be known by those involved in the patient treatment.
7- The patient is expected to respect the priority given to emergency patients & to show consideration to other patients.
8- The patient is expected to secure appointments as per the recommendations made by the physician as per the time frame and to attend the appointment on time. The patient will inform the Call Center within 24 hours in the event of a cancellation of appointment.
9- The patient will take full responsibility in the event of refusing of test studies, examinations, follow up appointments, admissions and /or treatment. Certain events of refusal may require the patients’ signature.
10- The patient and his/her family and visitors will observe and adhere to the safety regulations of the hospital which include:

  • No smoking policy
  • Hand Hygiene
  • Fire & Safety Plan
  • Non-interference in any medical equipment and patient care activities
  • Only small flower arrangements will be accepted in the patient rooms. The passage hall ways are to be clear of flower arrangements
  • Only patients and/or authorized “sitters” will be allowed to consume food in the patient’s room
  • Only single servings of externally prepared food will be allowed into the hospitalAll visitors will be asked to present to the Reception Areas in order to be issued a visitor badge
  • Department specific visitor restrictions will be adhered to and the hospital-wide visiting hours are 10h00 - 21h00 daily
  • No Children under the age of 14 years can visit the ICU/CICU without prior approval from the nurse in Charge
  • Children are to be supervised by adults during visits to both Inpatient & Outpatient areas at all times

11- The patient and his/her family and visitors will avoid bringing valuable belongings to the hospital and in the event of emergency situations, will inform the admission staff about the valuables and ensure that it is handed in as per the hospital policy. The AHD is not responsible for any consequences resulting from non-adherence to this requirement.

12- The Patient is expected to provide written consent prior to any treatment at AHD.